56 It was at that point his head exploded.

It was at that point his head exploded. It wasn’t like he had expected it or wanted it to happen, but it happened nonetheless. And such is fate.
His name was Ronnie and he was a mild mannered college student. He was a normal boy, with normal problems. He had just been walking to class one day when it happened. For no reason in the slightest. At first he would complain about it, asking ‘why me?’ and ‘why now?’ He cried at night not knowing how he would make it through the next day.
It was on the fourteenth day of October that he deciding to change things for himself. Ronnie was a bigger man than all this whining and he decided to press on. He began to be more outgoing and making more of an effort to have more friends. By the end of the month he was not only invited to all the hip Halloween parties, but he definitely had the best costume.
The moral of this fine tale is thus: don’t complain about your life, because you probably don’t have it as bad as Ronnie. So stop whining all you emo sissies.
Hahaha, down with emo kids ^_^
Redoubt, at 12:21 AM
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