52 “A splendid time is guaranteed for all!”

“A splendid time is guaranteed for all!” The voice roared through the crowd and I heard Tabitha giggle a bit next to me before tugging on my arm.
“Just ignore him Tabitha. He’s a carnie. It’s his job,” I said without looking, but instead trying to pull her the opposite direction.
“Awww, come on Richie. I just want to see what’s in the tent.”
I make the mistake of glancing back at her and it’s all over. I look into her deep brown eyes and melt. I can only sigh as she pulls me toward the red and yellow pavilion. “Fine, but only for you.”
As we enter and pay the absurd five dollars a piece fee we begin to look around. Freaks as far and wide as the eye can see. A bearded lady, the largest man and the smallest. I feel my stomach twist into knots and I feel like vomiting.
I hate carnies.
I hear Tabitha laughing one minute and shuddering the next. She goes through her freak filled fun fest while I concentrate and the floor. I don’t dare look up, but instead shuffle my feet and pull her slightly towards the exit. She tugs back and I let loose. Vomit hits her face and chest and she screams.
She ran off and I didn’t see her again. I never should have taken her to the circus on our first date. Especially not since I’m allergic to carnies.
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