51 “Take me to a cemetery,” he said, “and make sure it's the dodgy one.”

“Take me to a cemetery,” he said, “and make sure it's the dodgy one.”
Mob boss Taneka was the leader over all of the Yakuzas in
Taneka was twelve when his father was killed in front of him. He watched through the slit of the closet doors as three burly men stabbed him over and over. They laughed and drank over the corpse before they left. After a day of hiding in the closet for fear of them coming back, one of his father’s friends found him through the sound of his stifled crying. He explained to Taneka what had happened and took it upon himself to take care of him.
Taneka was a reserved child, spending little time on anything other then training. All hours of the day he trained. It was never enough, though. His mind and his body became nearly perfect in all aspects, and none rivaled him. It was at this point that he decided it time to seek out his revenge.
He attacked Hakkaido’s empire, one soldier at a time. He took out fifteen of his men before the alarm was even sounded. Soon enough another fifteen had come to replace them in the fight. Outnumbered greatly, he fought his best but lost. Nearly dead, they took his lump of a body to the cemetery and threw it out of the car and onto the lawn.
As he lay there, and breathed his last breaths, he begged for a way to finish what he had started. A devil heard this plea and answered it, giving him life and strength to do what he need do.
Taneka did what he had set out for and now he was coming back to repay his debt. Taneka did not fear death now that he had his revenge. It would be a welcome end to his tragic story.
As they pulled into the cemetery, they saw a group of men clustered around a grave. He got out of his car and began to approach them. He saw their black suits and red ties, and knew their purpose. They were a rival gang to the Yakuzas and this would have to be a trap.
Taneka just wanted to end it, but it would not be that easy for him. He pulled out his pistol as he ran towards the group. He took out three of the five before they even saw him. The others, now alerted, began to panic as Taneka pulled a dagger from near his ankle and began to slash wildly. He slit one’s throat and left the dagger lodged in the other’s heart.
He looked down at where they were and saw fresh dirt piled atop of a grave. He looked at the pile of corpses and saw a blood splattered program. These men were attending a funeral, and he had killed them. He had killed five innocent men.
His blood chilled and he could hear the devil laugh. His soul was not enough for the demon, and it was at this point that Taneka realized that he had become the man he set out to kill.
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