33 He sniffed awkwardly and sighed a breath of deep relief.

He sniffed awkwardly and sighed a breath of deep relief. It was all almost over. He carefully led his foot out in front of him, tapping on the brittle tiles. Three of them fell into the abyss and his foot rested on the last one standing. The slender square column looked firm and he brought his other foot to meet it.
The door way stood less than five feet away and he could almost reach it. He took another deep breath and let his foot venture out again. There were no more stable tiles and the remainder caved into the darkness. He’d have to jump. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and took the leap.
He flew across and his hand hit the doorknob and grabbed tight. He hung desperately from his one hand swinging back and forth. He swung his other arm up and pulled himself up until he was standing cautiously in the three inch door frame. He laughed a little bit and just smiled for a moment savoring sweet victory. He reached into his pocket for the key and his smile faded. His hand did not meet cold metal but the warm flesh of his thigh. A hole.
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