29 The fortune cookie read: "The trouble with dreams is that they don't come true."

The fortune cookie read: "The trouble with dreams is that they don't come true." I crumbled the cookie in my hand and let it fall on my plate. As the bits of it mixed in with the sweet and sour residue and bits of rice I thought to myself about what this all meant. Not seeing any connection to me, I wiped away the last crumbs sticking to my hand and stood up.
I looked around and saw that I wasn’t in a Chinese restaurant, but at the beach. A girl came up to me and started talking to me. The words are a blur, but her face stood out to me. It was Sherry from high school, the girl I had a crush on. She started laughing at me and pointing. I looked down and realized I was only in my underwear.
I started to run, but the sand kept slowing me down. It felt like I was sinking in it, like it was quicksand. I slowed to a stop and saw the sand covering me up to my knees. As I sank deeper, I struggled and tried to worm my way out, but it only sped up the process. I was up to my neck before I faded away. That was about the time I woke up.
It's actually impossible to drown in quicksand unless you go in head first.
A common, fiction-fueled misconception, though.
Redoubt, at 1:04 AM
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