27 “This is not my blanket,” the woman said, frowning slightly.

“This is not my blanket,” the woman said, frowning slightly.
“It is now,” said the soldier shoving it in her face. “You ought not pick a fight. We’re here to protect you, you know.”
She lay the blanket on her lap and wheezed as she laughed. “Us? Need protection? Oh, my boy. It is you who will need the protection. They aren’t after us village people, they’re after you.”
“What do you mean ‘they’? Do you know what roams the shadows, old lady?” the soldier had stopped handing out blankets and rations and was staring suspiciously at her.
The lady just turned away and started fiddling with her blanket. Without looking up at him she continued, “They’ve already gotten your back up. You’re lucky they haven’t reached the caves yet. You’re the last one.”
The man simply smirked at the idea. He walked away, thinking to himself “what a crazy lady.” Just to be certain he pulled out his transmitter, “Squads yellow and red, do you read? Squads yellow and read?”
The man shivered as darkness came over him hearing only the empty static of no replies.
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