24 "Have you ever watched a child cry? Really watched a child cry?"

"Have you ever watched a child cry? Really watched a child cry?" The screen flickered on to a kid no older than six bawling on the floor. I couldn’t help but grimace at the sight. I had never seen a child cry. I had never been a child myself, and this sight disgusted me. Why would people care so much for such a thing? I could feel my flesh burn as electricity surged through my body. The TV faded off as did the electricity, and I relaxed in the leather chair, though still strapped down.
“Next lets show you something a bit older. Here are two children at school during their break,” said the voice as another clip began to play. The children were fighting over a toy and began yelling at one another. I cringed as one of them pushed the other over and another violent shock hit me. I tried to calm myself and I let out a deep breath and waited for the screen to fade to black.
I closed my eyes and pushed my mind elsewhere. I may be a clone, and I may have never been a child, but this conditioning is going against what little I’ve learned from my experiences in the world. I realize I’m a killing machine and I can’t let anything stand in the way of my target. This includes children. I suppose it’s for the best. Desensitization and electro shock is the only way.
The overhead voice came on again: “Oooh, and here’s a good clip with puppies.”
This story is so strange with the p.o.v. coming from the clone.. usually you hear stories about robots or killing machines from someone else's p.o.v.
P.S. why are all your stories with boy/girl, men/woman threaded with tragedy or bittersweetness?
Love you,
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM
Wonderful story.
Redoubt, at 11:32 PM
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