28 I never was the kind to disagree.

I never was the kind to disagree. Not till I met Sara. We were meant for each other. Well, if it weren’t for our little quibbles. I loved her oh so very much. She was always there for me, but for the most part it was to criticize.
She’d tell me what was wrong with my posture and point out when I wasn’t paying attention.
In turn, I’d show her when she didn’t cook dinner for me or return my calls.
Last night she called me on her way home. It was a snowy night and she wanted my voice to comfort her as she drove. It was late and she’d woken me so I told her off. One thing led to another and we were into another argument. I shouted that I wished she’d die and hung up.
She got into an accident soon after we hung up. She broke her spinal cord and is paralyzed. I try and look on the bright side though: at least she listens better now.
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