38 “This’ll teach you to borrow my loafers,” he said, flinging the shoe at the mailman.

“This’ll teach you to borrow my loafers,” he said, flinging the shoe at the mailman. As the shoe hit the postal worker he exploded. Mail and bits of body burst outward from the impact and fell still smoking into the yard. So this is the curse that the gypsy had spoken of.
Daniel had met a gypsy the night before and made a bargain with her. This bargain had gone sour and from the looks of it, she put a few safeguards to get revenge. He looked around before he dropped his coffee mug on the porch only to see it explode into flames with bits of the porcelain shrapnel cut his legs.
He walked inside very carefully, making sure not to touch anything. He walked past the T.V. and into his room, but knocked off the remote in the process. Another miniature explosion went off and bits of plastic hit his chest. He ran into his room, and jumped onto his bed. There was a slight creaking before the legs snapped.
The explosion could be heard for miles.
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