09 It didn’t make sense--one shot fired, three dead bodies.

It didn’t make sense--one shot fired, three dead bodies. Detective Lawrence Roth walked over to the three lumped corpses, and lifted the arm of the body that lay on top. He let it drop with a soft thud as it hit back up against the pile. He walked over to the window sill and examined the dust on it. Finally he went over to the wall and examined the hole in the tacky, rotting motel wallpaper.
“One shot, and three dead. Here’s how it went down,” said Roth smoothly as the men around him reached for pen and paper and began furiously writing. “The two men are common thugs, both work for the mafia. They were hired by the man on bottom for protection. Turns out our smothered friend here is the crime boss known simply as ‘Rosco’, and he owed a few favors he couldn’t return. His business associates weren’t too happy for this and made several attempts on his life. These men were hired to do anything for him, including die for him. Their instructions were to take the bullet. Little did they know that their enemies were packing a high powered rifle with armor piercing bullets. Actually only one bullet. The bullet entered through the first two men before striking our friend here on the bottom.”
“Why would these men throw away their lives just for a boss who deserved what was coming to him?” chimed a young intern in the crowd.
“Ah, well, they were very well compensated. I am fairly certain that their families already have the money in their accounts. I knew this man here in the middle. He was a stool pigeon for us, and he wanted out of the business. I assume this man on top is his brother he spoke of. Looks like they got what they wanted."
Not bad, a little predictable, but good job giving everyone an identity. Amazing how well you put a name and an emotion on every character in such a short writing space.
Anonymous, at 1:20 AM
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