08 The stick had finally stopped spinning. It pointed left, to the trail leading into the woods.

The stick had finally stopped spinning. It pointed left, to the trail leading into the woods.
“I knew it was that one,” mumbled Jebidiah, following Oakley down the path.
“Ha! Even if you did guess it, you had a one in three chance,” Oakley retorted, looking back at him over his shoulder.
Jebidiah lowered his head and grumbled as he walked down the trail. His incoherent ramblings lasted for nearly a minute before he looked at Oakley and spoke out once more, “We’re not even supposed to use magic!”
Oakley stopped in his tracks, still facing away from Jebidiah, paused for a moment. “Magic? You are complaining of me using magic?”
“Father said that we mustn’t—you know it’s forbidden in these parts.”
“So you think that I’m going to stop? Think Jeb. Would we have gotten this far if it weren’t for magic? Would you still be walking if it wasn’t for magic?”
“That’s not fair Oakley.”
Oakley paused again, and then continued: “I’m sick of your whining Jebidiah. Always so concerned of getting caught. Except when it’s in your favor.”
“Oh come on, you know what I was getting--”
Jebidiah was cut short as he fell crippled to the ground. Oakley had removed the spell, and was walking down the path still.
“You aren’t going to leave me here are you?” shouted Jebidiah weakly.
Oakley didn’t answer but kept walking as a smile crept on his face. He pulled his hood over his head, and relaxed a bit. Finally some peace and quiet.
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