05 That night marked the first time she saw the rabbit.

That night marked the first time she saw the rabbit. Alice had been waiting for this moment for years and did not waste a second before dashing after the small white creature. She ran as fast as she could, gaining very little ground on it, but not giving the slightest hint at giving up. In the moonlight the rabbit almost glowed, making it easy to see where it lept; Alice used this to her favor as she pushed onward through the forest.
Finally the rabbit took a final jump and disappeared. Alice looked around and eventually came upon a small hole. She kneeled down and reached in with her right hand, feeling the dirt between her fingernails. Not satisfied, she reached further and her hand met cold tile and she couldn't help but grin. This was indeed the rabbit she had sought.
She lowered herself onto her stomach, not caring wether she dirtied her dress or not, and began to worm herself inwards. She moved in blindly with her arms in front of her, guiding her through the slender tunnel. Soon enough her entire body was underground, and she could see a dim light further down. Noticing the intricate wallpaper that lined what seemed less like a tunnel but more a rather small hallway, she kept herself moving, motivated by what she knew loomed ahead. She found it easier as the tunnel began to expand as she went further and was comforted by the light she approached slowly. She moved to crawling on all fours as the hallway grew even more and by the time she reached the door she was walking hunched over.
She tapped lightly on the door and it was thrust open inward by some unseen force, and light flooded the hallway that Alice hunched over in. She walked in and was happy to find she could stand. She looked around and saw the rabbit wired up, and guessed it was most likely recharging.
She continued looking around, what appeared to be a laboratory, wires and monitors every where. The thing that made it interesting though, was the odd art and electronics. Playing cards and a chess set lay on the table, and mirrors adorned nearly every wall. She knew that Charlie had an interest in Alice in Wonderland, it was that that caught her interest in him when they met. Perhaps that was his interest in her, a young blonde girl who shared the same name. This had never crossed her mind when she met him first three years ago, but only now after seeing just how deep the rabbit hole really did go.
Charlie watched from a surveillance monitor and smiled. Pressing a button, he sealed the exits and walked down the stairs to her.
I love this one.
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM
Creepy! I love mad scientists. ^_^
Redoubt, at 11:08 PM
You cannot use my idea! It's not meant to be put into production!
Anonymous, at 5:56 PM
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